La Bottega degli Intrecci

Siena and Paola weave together

You know from reading IBC how important Paola's shop was for Siena getting her Spello-legs underneath her. Paola's patience in teaching Siena macrame so that she might have a meditative outlet, as well as a creative one, was instrumental in our girl discovering a sense of her own strength and tying her into our adopted home.

La Bottega degli Intrecci is a gem in Spello and I simply must insist that you pop into the shop when you visit to say hello to Paola, or her son, Gopala.

The new shop in Piazza Kennedy

Only now you have another option! In Piazza Kennedy, Paola has opened a second location, this one in an old typography shop. The space is authentic and filled with light.

Both shops offer woven goods to bring home for a totally different souvenir—one you'll wear to remind you of your stay in Spello.

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